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Introduction Of Construction Machiney Tooth Gear

Posted by Admin | 23 Sep

  Gears are mechanical elements with teeth on the rim that can mesh and continuously transmit motion and power. Gears are toothed mechanical parts that can mesh with each other. The application of construction machinery tooth gear in transmission has been shown very early. The principle of the gear cutting method and the special machine tools and tools that use this principle to cut teeth have appeared one after another. With the development of production, the stability of gear operation has been paid attention to.

  The commonly used steels for making engineering machinery gears are quenched and tempered steel, hardened steel, carburized and hardened steel, and nitrided steel. The strength of cast steel is slightly lower than that of forged steel, and it is often used for large-scale gears; gray cast iron has poor mechanical properties and can be used in light-load open gear transmission; ductile iron can partially replace steel to make gears; plastic gears are mostly used In places where light loads and low noise are required, steel gears with good thermal conductivity are generally used for their matching gears.

  In the future, construction machinery gears are developing in the direction of heavy load, high speed, high precision, and excellent efficiency, and strive to be small in size, light in weight, long in life and economical reliability.

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